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Search results: “carnation”
$109.99Red asters, hot pink roses and pale pink carnations arranged all-around in a clear vase with assorted greens
All yellow asiatic lilies, carnations and daisies with purple iris arranged compact in a white bamboo basket with assoered greens and a purple bow
Orange lilies , purple iris, light pink mini carnations, white monte casino and solidaster arranged in a white handled basket.
$99.99Yellow lilies, gerber daisies, roses, snaps, carnations and button mums with white hydrengea arranged tall in a clear vase with assorted greens
$111.99All pink roses, asiatic lilies and alstro with fuchsia carnations and spray roses arranged tall and close together in a rectangular natural basket with bells of ireland and greens
$131.99All pink roses, asiatic lilies and alstro with fuchsia carnations and spray roses arranged tall and close together in a rectangular natural basket with bells of ireland and greens
Mix of reds pinks yellows and some purple flowers like carnations, alstros, poms & asters in a clear glass vase.
Red roses, red carnations and white lilies arranged compact and all-around in a clear vase with a red bow and assorted greens.
$74.99Red spray roses, pink mini carnations and white daisies arranged compact and all-around in a clear vase with a pink bow .
Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens
White carnation funeral cross easel with a group of red roses in the middle of the cross cascading down.
$89.99Stargazer lilies, pink roses , and purple carnations arranged in a clear vase with eucalyptus, few brown and green leaves and a purple bow