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A Country Basket of Flowers
$54.99 $74.99
*all prices are listed in usd ($)
Welcome to A Bundle of High Hopes, a fresh country basket of fresh red roses, hot pink roses, luscious lavender roses, and shimmering white roses. These beautiful blooms set their soul free to the winds of creativity and hope. Send these special flowers as a token of sheer luxury and beauty.
Product Description
Welcome to A Bundle of High Hopes, a fresh country basket of fresh red roses, hot pink roses, luscious lavender roses, and shimmering white roses. These beautiful blooms set their soul free to the winds of creativity and hope. Send these special flowers as a token of sheer luxury and beauty.
3 reviews for A Country Basket of Flowers
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Katie G. –
These turned out absolutely beautiful. Prettier than the picture!!!
Mike W. –
They arrived on time and made her day. Brightened up her day and her house.
Nadine C. –
Very pretty, my cousin took a picture & they livedup to my expectations & more!