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Six large pink and six large red roses in clear glass vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms wrapped around the vase.
$79.99All white daisy poms arranged all-around and in clear glass bowl with a $15 tan or brown bear. NO greens and no fillers.
Eighteen pink roses roses arranged in a vase with seeded eucalyptus and a $15 box of chocolates
$159.99Two dozen red roses roses arranged in a vase with seeded eucalyptus and a $15 box of chocolates
$99.99One dozen pink roses roses arranged in a vase with seeded eucalyptus and a $15 box of chocolates
$159.99Two dozen pink roses roses arranged in a vase with seeded eucalyptus and a $15 box of chocolates
Eighteen red roses roses arranged in a vase with seeded eucalyptus and a $15 box of chocolates