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$79.996 red roses roses and 2 stargazer lilies arranged all-around in a vase with greens, red fillers and curly willow if avai.
$144.992 Dozen yellow roses in clear glass vase. Just assorted greens and solidaster if avail. No babies breath or bow.
2 Dozen Large yellow roses in clear glass vase that bulbs out at the bottom if possible. Greens and monticasino if available. No bow.
$154.99About 6 stargazers and 12 yellow rosesarranged all-around in clear glass vase with a $15 tan or brown teddy bear. Few greens, purple accents and curly willow if avail.
12 large yellow roses in clear glass vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms wrapped around vase.
$144.992 Dozen Large pink roses in clear glass vase. Just greens. No fillers or bow.
Red, yellow, and purple flowers arranged low and compact in a rectangular natural basket with Daisy mums, gerbera, tulips, statice, pitta negra, and white bird.
$74.99Orange tulips, purple iris, yellow alstromeria and green button mums arranged compact in a rectangular white wash basket with assorted greens
Pinks and whites in a clear glass bowl use roses, tulips, and a few other flower fillers..
$79.99Red tulips, red carnations, red alstro, pink gerber daisies and yellow snaps arranged one-sided in brown basket with solidaster and assorted greens
$104.99Pink, purple, and yellow flowers arranged close together in a clear glass vase. Snapdragons, tulips, iris, lisianthus, daffodils, solidaster, curly willow, and greens.