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Flowers For Mom
$79.99Stargazers or pink oriental lilies in glass vase with 3 or 4 red roses, pink alstros and fillers like waxflower if available.
Stargazers, red roses, red carnations, purple asters and purple iris arranged in a vase with purple filler and greens
Lavender stock, pale pink alstroemeria, pink spray roses and mini carnations in a clear glass vase.
$74.99Pink stargazer lilies with a pink statice arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube.
$84.996 pink roses, 6 pink carnations and white daisies arranged compact in a short rectangular clear cube with pink and white satin ribbon
Pink and white flowers arranged low in a basket (w/handle). Pink asiatic lilies, a rose or two, white daisies, aster, & waxflower if available.
Yellow, blue and red flowers arranged one-sided in glass vase. Red roses, carns, white stock, belladonna, yellow ranunculus or lisianthus, montecasino if avail.
$79.99Pink spray roses, white daisy mums, pink and red carnations with lush greens in a clear glass vase.
Assorted pink and white flowers arranged all-around and overflowing in natural basket (no handle) with roses, carns, larkspur, alstromeria, assorted greens and white filler
White lilies , pink roses, and light pink stock arranged full and compact in a clear bulb vase with waxflower and seeded eucalyptus.
$69.99White, pink, yellow, and purple flowers ina basket with Carnations, daisy poms, alstro, statice, baby’s breath, and few greens.
12 large red roses in clear glass cylinder vase. (Octagon type if possible) With greens and babies breath or similar filler. No Bow.