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Pink asiatic lilies, pink roses and pink lisisanthus with yellow roses arranged low and compact in a short clear vase with solidago and few greens.
$94.99White and yellow flowers arranged tall and full in a white wicker basket. Daisy mums, carnations, glads, montecasino, and few greens.
All Pink Gerbera, roses, alstro and lilies with purple filler arranged compact and all-around in a pink vase with pink satin bow
Yellow, pink, and purple flowers to include Carnations, daisies, stock, delphinium and lilies arranged garden-style in a natural woven basket.
$91.99Yellow and cream roses with yellow roses arranged low and compact in a woodchip basket with hypercium and assorted greens.
$79.99Red gerbers and red carnations with blue delphinium and white monte cassino arranged in a red vase with a cobalt blue satin bow
$154.9918 yellow roses roses in a clear glass bubble bowl or similar bulb vase. Greens only no filler.
$144.9924 Large cream roses roses wrapped in a bouquet. With Babies Breath and greens.
Lavender roses, larkspur and veronica with pink oriental lilies arranged low and compact in a natural handled basket with seeded eucalyptus.
All pink glads, roses, asiatic lilies and carns arranged tall and overflowing in a slender clear vase lined with green leaf.