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Standing Wreaths
All white flowers in a open circle-shaped standing wreath with roses, football mums, carnations, eucalyptus, salal, and satin ribbon.
$249.99A standing open funeral wreath made of red and white carnations with chaina mums, baby’s breath and trailing red ribbons.
$199.99An standing open funeral wreath with orange, peach and white flowers on one side and orange white and pink on the second half including spider mums, roses, carns
$254.99White roses, lavender spider mums,lavender daisies and liatris arranged into a cross-shaped funeral standing wreath with assorted greens
$259.99Red and orange roses, pink gerber daisies, stargazers, red carnations and yellow daisies arranged on an open shaped standing wreath with purple filler and a hot pink bow
$259.99Yellow mums, pink roses, orange carns, red carns, pink mums, purple statice individual and separated single circular rainbow sections on an open-shaped standing wreath.
$249.99Pink and white flowers arranged into a open heart-shaped standing funeral wreath with Roses, football mums, matsumoto aster,carns,spray roses,monte,fern, and satin bow.
Lavender and pink flowers arranged into a circle-shaped sympathy standing wreath with glads, asiatic lilies, cushion mums, asters and mini carns
A standing open wreath made of all yellow roses, Asiatic lilies and dendrobium orchids against a background of assorted greenery
$249.99An staning open funeral wreath with orange lilies, peach roses,pink carnations, white roses and white spider mums with a peach bow.
$274.99Yellow roses and spider mums with white carnations arranged into an open heart shaped funeral standing wreath on an easel with white monticasino, greens and a yellow bow.
Pink and green carnations, lavender stock, green button mums, pink roses and white spider mums arranged in an open standing wreath with assorted greens and a green satin bow.