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Standing Wreaths
Light and dark pink roses with purple roses arranged on a standing open funeral wreath with white montecasino, purple limonium and pink waxflower
$324.99All white flowers in a solid heart-shaped standing wreath against pitta negrawith Roses, lilies, gerbera, carnations, and satin ribbon.
$249.99All white flowers in a open circle-shaped standing wreath with Roses, football mums, lilies, carnations, eucalyptus, salal, and satin ribbon on the bottom left.
$244.99Blue, pink, burgundy, and white flowers arranged into a circle-shaped standing funeral wreath. Hydrangea, stargazers, matsumoto aster, iris, roses, few greens.
A standing open wreath covered with all white cushion mums and a arrangement of red carnations and blue delphinium on the top side with myrtle and red, white, and blue ribbon.
All white Daisies arranged into a circle shaped standing funeral moss wreath with montecasino, solidaster, moss, and greens.
$154.99Pink and red carnations with yellow andlavender daisies arranged into a standing funeral wreath with purple statice, solidaster, and sprengeri.
All white flowers arranged into an open circle-shaped funeral wreath with Roses, lilies, snaps, gerbers, and bells of ireland.
All pink flowers arranged into a standing funeral wreath. Roses, carnations, asters, alstro, green foliage, and trailing pink satin ribbon.
$194.99Red and white carnation arranged into a standing funeral open wreath with baby’s breath against green leaves.
$304.99Standing open wreath with moss and 2 arrangements on opposite side, one all yellow gerbs, alstro and solidaster and the second one with all puple delphinium, lisianthus
Orange and green flowers arranged into a circles shaped standing wreath. Flowers bunched on right side. Slim wreath wrapped in green satin ribbon.