
Showing 13–24 of 1061 results

  • The Thinking of You Bouquet
    $59.99 $79.99

    Pink spray roses, white daisy mums, pink and red carnations with lush greens in a clear glass vase.

  • $54.99

    Lavender stock, pale pink alstroemeria, pink spray roses and mini carnations in a clear glass vase.

  • $61.99

    A Pothos, palm, dracena and a peace lily arranged in a natural rectangular handled basket with white alstromeria and a white bow.

  • $67.99

    Stargazers, red roses, red carnations, purple asters and purple iris arranged in a vase with purple filler and greens

  • Enchanting Blooms

    $49.99  $69.99

    White asiatic lilies and white alstromeria arranged in gathering clear glass vase with queen anne’s lace and liliy grass

  • Vibrant Bouquet

    $49.99  $69.99

    Arrangement of yellow blooms with bright yellow Lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and chrysanthemums in a square glass vase

  • Brilliant Blooms

    $49.99  $69.99

    White, pink, yellow, and purple flowers ina basket with Carnations, daisy poms, alstro, statice, baby’s breath, and few greens.

  • Vibrant Blooms

    $69.99  $89.99

    Bright pink purple and yellow flowers arranged low and compact in low vase. Yellow/ pink roses,snaps, lisianthus, stock, tulip, carns, sweet pea or alstro.

  • Exquisite Holiday Bouquet
    $64.99 $84.99

    Red roses, white asiatic lilies, white daisy mums, mini red carns and sprigs of bupleurum and in a red glass vase.

  • One Dozen Red Roses

    $69.99  $89.99

    12 Large red roses roses in a clear glass vase with greens and no bow.

  • $59.99

    Blue, yellow, orange and pink flowers arranged all around in a white basket. Belladona or delphinium, carns, roses, daisy poms, freesia and add 4 matching latex .

  • Sale
    $124.99 $144.99

    White funeral basket on a easel with blue delphinium, white china mums, white carns, white glads, palms leave and white montecasino or white waxflower

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