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Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens
Assorted pink and white flowers arranged all-around and overflowing in natural basket (no handle) with roses, carns, larkspur, alstromeria, assorted greens and white filler
$74.99Stargazer lilies, white daisies, montecasino if avail. arranged all-around and tall in a brown basket.
$84.99Sunflowers arranged all-around in a tall glass vase with few greens, add solidaster if avail.
$79.99Stargazers,blue, iris, white daisies and orange mini carnations arranged tall, full and one-sided in a whitewash basket with statice, solidago and assorted greens
$84.99Pink spray roses, orange gerbera, white carnations and poms, in a glass vase with greens.
$88.99Red gerberas, yellow roses, blue hydrangea, red miniature carnations and yellow button mums with rich green salal all in a clear glass vase.
Mix of reds pinks yellows and some purple flowers like carnations, alstros, poms & asters in a clear glass vase.
$84.996 pink roses, 6 pink carnations and white daisies arranged compact in a short rectangular clear cube with pink and white satin ribbon
$74.99Pink stargazer lilies with a pink statice arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube.